They have made it incredibly easy to sign in and support the bill and the amendment - this will take you 3 minutes.
Go to: -
Click on the link in #1. You can put in your name and information then select "support not speaking" for both the bill and the amendment.
To submit your testimony to the committee, please send all documents via email to
Please use the following talking points for letters of support:
Remember to put your reasons for this request (number of clients, client needs & safety).
HB 1623 and the amendment to HB 1623 will be heard this Thursday at 8 am in the Senate Health & Human Services Committee -
This bill and amendment would put into statute the language of Governor Sununu's Emergency Order #8 and allow reimbursement for clinicians to provide telehealth and telephone therapy at in-office rates.
Warmest Regards,
Suzanne L. Thistle, MA, MLADC
Chair, NHADACA Public Policy Committee
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
603-225-7060 |
130 Pembroke Road, Suite 150,
Concord, NH 03301
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