On August 8, 2024, the LADC Board adapted the revised Alc 400 rules, which will take effect in 60 days. The public has 30 days to email the LADC Board with any questions or concerns pertaining to the new rules. Additionally, The LADC Board also advised that they are re-opening the Alc 300s again.
Follow the process below, per the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC), to submit a request:
Plc 209.01 Requests for Explanation of Adopted Rules.
(a) Any interested person may, within 30 days of the final adoption of a rule, request a written explanation of that rule by making a written request to the executive director, for any rule in title Plc, or to the board that adopted the rule, for rules in any title other than Plc.
(b) A request submitted pursuant to (a), above, shall include:
(1) The name and address of the person making the request and, if the requestor is an entity, the name, address, and email address of the individual authorized by the entity to make the request; and
(2) Identification of the specific rule for which an explanation is sought.
Click here to review the revised changes.
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Concord, NH 03301
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