Hurry! Registration is FREE for this virtual symposium on May 21 –join for the whole day or for any session you find interesting
Join members of the National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic on May 21 at 8:30 a.m. ET for a day-long virtual symposium that will address some of the highest-priority elements of the nation’s response to the opioid epidemic, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
During this virtual symposium, experts will discuss combatting stigma against those with opioid use disorder, strengthening provider education, advancing evidence-based pain management, and promising prevention practices, among other topics.
Join members of the National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic on May 21 at 8:30 a.m. ET for a day-long virtual symposium that will address some of the highest-priority elements of the nation’s response to the opioid epidemic, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this virtual symposium, experts will discuss combatting stigma against those with opioid use disorder, strengthening provider education, advancing evidence-based pain management, and promising prevention practices, among other topics.
Register to attend this free, virtual symposium – you are welcome to join us for the whole day or for any session that you find interesting.
The stigma of addiction keeps many people from seeking out treatment, talking about their experiences, and costs lives. During the keynote address of the virtual symposium, two ambassadors from Shatterproof will share their stories and discuss how stigma has impacted them and their families.
Stigma remains a pervasive barrier to accessing and receiving quality addiction care. During session 1, an expert panel will discuss evidence-based strategies, initiatives, and other critical opportunities to reduce stigma toward opioid use disorder across the health care system and beyond.
It is essential that the health care workforce have the knowledge, skills, and training required to care for individuals with substance use disorder or pain, as well as to prevent and recognize the symptoms of these conditions. Session 2 will feature an expert panel who will discuss strategies to close gaps in health professional education and training to improve care for people with pain and substance use disorders.
Effective pain management is critical to curbing the opioid epidemic and preventing future prescription drug crises. During session 3, an expert panel will discuss promising practices and critical opportunities to strengthen person-centered pain management. They will also touch on innovations in care delivery and the state of the evidence around opioid prescribing guidelines for acute and chronic pain, tapering guidance, and more.
Treatment has been a major focus in addressing the opioid crisis, but experts are turning to prevention strategies in hopes of earlier and more effective intervention. Session 4 will feature an expert panel who will discuss strategies and promising opportunities to prevent opioid and other substance use disorders that span clinical care, social and community-based services, policy, and practice.
The current health care system is not adequately designed to address and promote the holistic needs of individuals with opioid and other substance use disorders. During this final session, hear an expert panel discuss how to build the needed capacity, competencies, quality of care, payment structures, and incentives to ensure effective, quality, and affordable health care for individuals with opioid and other substance use disorders.
Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
603-225-7060 |
130 Pembroke Road, Suite 150,
Concord, NH 03301
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