Confidentiality & Communication (Rev. October 2020) e-book

October 30, 2020

The recently revised edition of Confidentiality & Communication (October 2020) is available now as an eBook. It covers all the essentials for understanding confidentiality, plus the July 2020 changes to 42 CFR Part 2 and upcoming changes in the CARES Act, including answers to questions like: 

  • When do 42 CFR Part 2 and HIPAA apply?
  • How did the 2020 amendments change the substance use disorder (SUD) privacy regulations, and what will happen in 2021?
  • What are the current requirements for consent forms, patient privacy notices, and the notice of prohibition on re-disclosure?
  • How to make disclosures for medical emergencies, audits, or research?
  • How can a program report a crime on program premises?
  • What should a program do if it receives a subpoena, search warrant, or arrest warrant?
  • What privacy rights do patients have?
  • How are the laws enforced and what are the security requirements?
  • What are best practices for common confidentiality issues? 

Confidentiality & Communication is an indispensable guide for new members of the SUD treatment field, stakeholders who work with individuals receiving SUD treatment, and seasoned privacy experts with questions about the ongoing changes to the law and regulations.

Available for instant download for only $109. Click here to buy!

The revised October 2020 edition also explains the July 2020 amendments to 42 CFR Part 2, and flags areas where the regulations are subject to change in 2021, following the passage of the CARES Act. To see a full list of the topics covered in the revised 2020 edition of Confidentiality & Communication, visit the online Table of Contents..

The 2020 edition of Confidentiality & Communication is available as an e-book only.

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