Clinician Well-Being Updates from NAM

March 14, 2020

brought to you by your NHADACA Ethics Committee

The following updates related to the work of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience (Clinician Well-Being Collaborative). 

Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout Report

The NAM released the consensus report, Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being, in October 2019. The report calls upon leaders in health care organizations, health professions educational institutions, government, and industry to prioritize major improvements in clinical work and learning environments across all care settings, and for all disciplines to prevent and mitigate clinician burnout and foster professional well-being for the overall health of clinicians, patients, and the nation.

Check out the related products that have been released since October:

The NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative is committed to elevating the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from the report, as well as translating the report recommendations into action. We look forward to keeping you updated on these endeavors.

Top 10 NAM Perspectives of 2019

In 2019, NAM Perspectives papers were released on a variety of topics, including reducing clinician burnout. Half of the 10 most popular titles of 2019 were products of the NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative! Check them out below:

  1. Implementing Optimal Team-Based Care to Reduce Clinician Burnout
  2. Burnout Among Health Care Professionals: A Call to Explore and Address this Underrecognized Threat to Safe, High-Quality Care
  3. Nurse Suicide: Breaking the Silence
  4. Gender-Based Differences in Burnout: Issues Faced by Women Physicians
  5. Burnout and Job and Career Satisfaction in the Physician Assistant Profession: A Review of the Literature

Visit to access additional information about all of the top 10 papers, as well as a social media kit to share these papers with your colleagues and friends. Read additional publications from the NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative. 

Health Policy Institute of Ohio’s Evidence-Based Policy Brief on Clinician Well-Being and Patient Safety

Bernadette Melnyk, Vice President for Health Promotion, University Chief Wellness Officer, and Dean & Professor of the College of Nursing at The Ohio State University, worked on an evidence-based policy brief on clinician well-being and patient safety with the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, which builds upon the work of the NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative. They released the brief during a successful state-wide forum at Ohio State with policymakers and health care leaders across the state of Ohio. Additionally, they are launching a state-wide action collaborative to address clinician burnout, and encourage others to form similar state-wide efforts. Access the brief and executive summary.

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